So my last trip to New York City I fell in love with this clothing store that some how I had never heard of, called All Saints. I just loved their window and store displays. They had a great collection of old wooden shoe horns, sewing machines and gears. Very industrial.
I think I instantly fell in love with all of their clothes, especially the Aztec Dazzle dress posted above. I have not been able to stop thinking about it since I left New York City almost a month ago. It retails for 350$. It is of course out of my price range so I can only dream of how I would style it. I love mixing pretty with rugged so I went through and picked out some of the accessories on All Saints website help finish the outfit. I love mixing different fabrics such as the sequins with the leather and the fringe with suede. It helps give off this sexy, yet classy, bad-ass vibe that I have been craving lately. Ugh, I love clothes and I love fashion.
Be sure to check out the store in Soho or find out where the nearest one is to you.