Tuesday, December 21, 2010

A Windy day back in fall of 2008

I found this self-portrait today from when my college friend Malaney and I decided to go venture out on a very windy day in Columbus, Ohio and take photographs in a nearby open field. Remember the week of our first semester year that all of Columbus had a power outage and we did not have to go to school for a week. That is the time period this photograph is from. This photograph is dedicated to all the friends I made in college. I miss you guys!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It was my freshmen year when the power outage happened... that week was probably one of the best in my life.

I read about your new job at American Greetings on the CCAD News Blog, congratulations!!

I will be working as a summer intern at the Cleveland AG headquarters. Perhaps we'll get to meet.

Best wishes!
